
About Me

So, here I am, a woman, a doctor and a mommy. I’ve always been crazy about kids, and now that I have them I’m even more so. I’ve been blessed with the most beautiful, affectionate… and ENERGETIC! 4 yr old, Alexia Hannah, and the sweetest, angelic 18 month old princess Katie Blaire.

Most people think (and tell me) that it must be much easier for me to be a mom because I have some medical knowledge. I guess there is some truth to that, but I still share the challenges all mothers face. There are times when the knowledge of my training spares me some trouble, so this is what my blog is about. You know those moments where you think, ‘I wish someone had told me about this earlier!!!’ I know the feeling of having absolutely no idea what to do, as well as having so many people’s ideas that you still don’t know what to do!

So if you’re a mom, I’m hoping that this blog will help with some of those clueless moments. Our little ones, in all their innocence, trust us to do what’s best for them. I’ll blog about everyday remedies that actually work and dispel a few old wives tales, as well as a few tips on things best avoided.

Any information on my blog will be from reputable medical journals and best-evidence medicine. In our age of technology, it’s very easy to google if we are unsure of something. Unfortunately not all medical advice found on the web is accurate. So hopefully some of my experiences, combined with medical facts will ease the stress.

Enjoy the blogs!

Chat soon, Doctor Mommy