

Fever burning…..ABC’s

We all know the feeling of getting home from work, and your angel (now not so angelic!) is fussy, not really keen on dinner and clings to mom more than usual. You know something is cooking, and brace yourself for a potentially rough night. I don’t have a particular story […]

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Managing Fever – Do’s and Don’ts

So I have heard horror stories of poorly managed fevers where parents give their children alcohol baths, apply ice packs under the clothes or overdose their children on medication. It is vital to have a plan of action so you’re not so stressed when you see those fever-flushed cheeks.   […]

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Snake Bites

Ok, so the shortest blog ever. No story here, just want to cover all the bites! If you ever find yourself in the horrible situation where a snake bites your child:   Get the child and others away from the snake Keep the child quiet and the body part still […]

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Spider Bites

Ok, so just writing this is giving me the creeps cos I have the biggest spider phobia ever. Even googling the pictures has my heart racing! So my phobia is so bad, that I am constantly checking for spiders everywhere! If I’ve seen one in a certain spot before, for […]

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Stings and Bites

When Alexia was 2, happily playing in her Wendy house with my mom, her loud piercing scream had me racing outside to find her pointing to her thigh. She had been stung by a wasp. We quickly took her inside (the last thing I needed was her to be stung […]

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Am I contagious? Sometimes it’s hard to know if your child is sick enough to warrant the inconvenience of arranging the nanny, Gran or staying home with them yourself. So here are a few tips that may help you make that decision. If your child has a fever, they are […]

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My beef with Cows milk

When Alexia was 2 months old, I left her with her dad for the first time to go wedding dress shopping with my sister-to-be. I thought I had everything organized with breastmilk expressed and stored up in the freezer. As I was leaving the boutique, my husband calls me frantically, […]

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The not so sweet truth about honey.

When Alexia was about 3 months, I struggled to get her to soothe herself to sleep. I was still breastfeeding, and the long hours of lying there being the dummy was becoming exhausting. So I decided to try using a pacifier since sucking was obviously soothing her. I had received […]

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